maandag 24 oktober 2016

update 24-10-2016 from an english speaking fan from Judith von Halle

from an english speaking fan from Judith von Halle

Steiner May Be Alive Today
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Rudolf Steiner was alive today to further Anthroposophy and thus help mankind to evolve? The answer is obvious, and perhaps he is alive today, but working in a different, private way.
I have studied Anthroposophy and a wide variety of spiritual paths, Eastern and Western, along with a variety of psychic and parapsychological studies, both academically and existentially. Still I have no doubt about my fallability as a human being, and my approach to spirituality is 'colored' by this awareness. I am no seer, nor claim great clairvoyant insights, but also acknowledge a certain level of erudite judgement based on over 40 years of thinking, feeling and willing about these archetypes which Anthroposophy so well expresses. I acknowledge that my views are 'opinions' and I make few assumptions that they represent 'ultimate reality', other than in my own limited sense of judgement. It is in this light that I refer to the idea of a 'living' Rudolf Steiner, or one might say the 'living ideas' of Rudolf Steiner. If alive today, these ideas and insights would have a contemporary significance of almost unimaginable significance, as well as representating a continuation of Steiner's legacy, toward mankind's evolutionary fullfilment. Steiner focused on the Mystery of Golgotha as being the central 'turning point' in human, and indeed spiritual evolution. "It is necessary that the human being creates within himself a true and deep longing to understand this mystery. Anthroposophical spiritual science is our spiritual tool for this purpose."
I would strongly suggest that all earnest Anthroposophists consider the possibility that these spiritual truths brought to us by the incredible clarity of Rudolf Steiner, are with us today in the insights which are the product of the spiritual-scientific research and existential experience of Judith von Halle. With the benefit of whatever knowledge 40+ years of the pursuit of the knowledge, truth and meaning of life has graced me, , I strongly urge that you simply read a single book-'And If He Has Not Been Raised''; the first book of lectures by Ms von Halle, wherein she talks about the nature of her stigmata and the insights of her own spiritual-scientific research into the Mystery of Golgotha. Igtnoring her work risks the proverbial 'throwing out the (spiritual) baby with the bath water.' You have little to lose, other than the effort to read a small book, and possibly a wisdom like that of Steiner himself to gain. Please do yourself this favor. John Harris

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